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Fundraising Opportunities


We are excited to offer volunteer fundraising Opportunities at the farm again this season! Last season so had softball teams, people fundraising to go on missions, and boy scout groups coming out to the farm for fundraising. 


This is a unique opportunity to not only help raise funds but to also get a behind the scenes look at Nelson Produce Farm!


How this opportunity works is we will donate to your organization in exchange for volunteer work hours. We will schedule a date that works best for your group and based on volunteer age and skill level places them in different stations around the farm. For example last season we had a softball team who volunteered together in our kitchen helping us prep orders, a family fundraising for a missions trip help us wrap sunflowers, and we even had some boy scouts helping us clean up around the farm. 


The age limit for the opportunity is 14 and we will donate an agreed upon amount prior to you working.  Under 14 can volunteer with an adult but will not be compensated. The dates we currently have available and sign up  for fundraising can be found: HERE

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